Divorce is Not a Dirty Word, with Nikki Parkinson

Globally, 50% of all marriages end in divorce. And yet despite being so common, divorce is still stigmatised and largely viewed as a failure. There is no established roadmap for divorce, as there is for marriage. It’s a confusing, challenging, and often turbulent path that most people sadly find themselves walking alone.

Here to change this, and to paint a brighter vision of how we could do divorce better, is divorce doula Nikki Parkinson.

Nikki is a family law expert, TEDx speaker, divorce coach, separation strategist, parenting coordinator, co-parenting coach, Parents Under Pressure therapist, mother of 3 and unmarried. Her warm, wise, no-nonsense approach draws on her 25 years of experience in the Australian family law system, as well as her own personal divorce experience. 

We discuss all the hot-button topics that arise during a divorce, including communication, boundaries and co-parenting, as well as tools for navigating grief. 

Nikki shares her perspective on how we could reframe divorce as a courageous act of self-advocacy, and ideas for rituals to celebrate this important (and common!) rite of passage in our communities.
And to download your free video training on nervous system dysregulation, go to http://www.nervoussystemschool.com/divorce

You can listen the full interview on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.


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